My writing has appeared in HuffPost, Thrive Global, Seaside Magazine, Popular Archaeology, Bustle, Thought Catalog, and other publications.
“With 90% less water than traditional farming, she can grow 150 pounds of produce a week—all inside two shipping containers.”
“The team will be conducting 18 experiments that evaluate both human and robotic efficiency, as well as psychosocial dynamics, space mission sustainability, and plant growth on simulated Martian soil.”
“By partnering with the Greater Victoria Housing Society, Stride has spearheaded two projects on the Saanich Peninsula that will provide 138 new rental units, including 80 affordable rentals. When completed, this will be the most rentals built in the area in almost two decades.”
“To get a single pound of beef, it takes over 5,000 gallons of water—as the number one consumer of freshwater in the world, animal agriculture is drastically increasing the problem of water scarcity.”
“The system and structures that have perpetuated injustice, upheld inequality, and exacerbated the climate crisis are likely to double down before they break. We must concern ourselves with preventing this. If failure of imagination is part of the problem, this is where the work of poets must be done.”
—Ecopoetics in the Era of Climate Crisis: Writing Ecological Destruction (and Recovery)
Selected Works
Climate & Food Security
Green Business
Health & Wellness
“You can make anything by writing.”